Banda obscura e quase sem informação. Não se iluda com a capa "paia" e curta o som hard dos anos 70 dessa que considero uma das mais desconhecidas bandas.
"A shroud of mystery surrounds this legendary Birmingham psych band, led by singer-guitarist Paul Eastment (later of Ghost) and organist Frank Wilson (founder of Warhorse). Despite the flattering liner notes written by John Peel, not much is known about them, which only makes this album (dated 1968) all the more intriguing, thanks also to the high quality music within, starting with the percussive and hypnotic 'Yellow Cave Woman,' and the splendid folk ballad 'Once Among The Trees.' Also noteworthy, the version of 'Come Away Melinda' by Tim Rose, released two years prior to Uriah Heep's version." forcedexposure.com
A shroud of mystery surrounds this legendary Birmingham psych band, led by singer-guitarist Paul Eastment (later of The Ghost) and organist Frank Wilson (founder of Warhorse). Despite the flattering liner notes written by John Peel, not much is known about them, which only makes this album (dated 1968) all the more intriguing, thanks also to the high quality music within, starting with the percussive and hypnotic 'Yellow Cave Woman,' and the splendid folk ballad 'Once Among The Trees.' Also noteworthy, the version of 'Come Away Melinda' by Tim Rose, released two years prior to Uriah Heep's version. Insound
Velvet Fogg - 1969 - By O Retorno do Muro Classic Rock
Um comentário:
cara, a capa é horrorenda, o som pode até ser ruim pq eu não conheço o disco, mas os peitinhos da loirinha... putaquilparillll!!!! hahahashuashuaha
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